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Question: Really want an A* in art!!!?
Okay, I am in Year 11 and taking art GCSE!. My exam is next week, and i have almost filled a sketchbook!. I have done 10 (5 is recommended) artist research!. 4 visual mindmaps, taken my own photos, experimented with different media, done one A2 piece, and i am now focusing on planning for my final piece!. The theme this year is barriers and i have chosen to head down the route of sweet wrappers (barriers to food blah blah blah) I have looked at Warhol and sarah Graham esp!. I have taken photos of piles of sweets and then drawing/painting/oil pastels my own pictures on A4 and A3!. But i have an A so far!.!. i want to secure an A* in my book in case my final piece exam ( 10 hours to create a final piece ) doesnt go according to plan (it didnt in my mock exam)!. Does anyone have any tips!? Thanks!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My class all got A* when I did GCSE and one thing that the examinors report said that most schools forgot to include First Hand Observational Drawings (drawing from photos aren't included) and that most candidates forgot to do several detailed drawings!. Having a variety is great, but you need to have atleast 3 really detailed drawings that would have taken you hours and are almost photographic!. This shows the examinor that you can infact draw aswell as sketch!. But as long as you do lots of drawings trying out different media and relating it to other artist's work (which it sounds like you've done already) then you should get an A*, but remember to explain WHY you've done it whenever you draw anything!. also show that what you've done is relevant in the build up to your final piece!. I'm doing A-Level at the momment and I don't know about GCSE this year, but they love it if you make it personal!.
Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you did all of that, im sure your teacher sees that you are trying and dedicated to your work!. he or she will still prob give you an A even if your final doesn't go according to plan!. thats the thing with art, its never a secure thing if it will turn out right or not, and as your teacher being an artist themselves, they will understand that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The glass case at a candy counter!.

Glass jars holding candies or cookies

A cookie jar!.

A cookie jar placed high, out of reach of a little child!.

A dog looking hungrily at a child holding a sweet away from the dog!.Www@QuestionHome@Com