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Question: Exposure!.!.!.!?

i'm just curious of how i could take away the shadow on my face in this picture!?

i have photoshop!.!.

any hints or tricks!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The easy way would be to go here and download my changes!. I left some amount of shadow on your face, because it didn't look right when I took the shadows away from everything!.!.!.


hints or tricks:

you can do it in photoshop - others can answer that!.

best would be to reshoot and use a reflector to fill the shadow or some fill flash

EDIT: you can make a reflector, get some cardboard and cover one side with aluminiun foil (silver stuff, not sure what its called in American English), the other side cover with white paper or paint it white!. Put the reflector just outside the frame so it reflects light back into the shaddow area!.

If your in New Zealand I will shoot you, or if in USA get a bus ticket and go see the Ace!.!.!.!.!. :)

hope that helps some - cute pic!


not familiar with photoshop; but some editing software offers various angles top, side right, side left, fromt bottom, stage ligthing, spot light, etc!. If you have such in photoshop, place your point in the bottom right corner in the grass area, then open the triangle so that its remaining two points end right where the shadow begins!. Lighten it up one click at a time!. Close out, bring it up fresh and keep repeating that - I'll think you'll be pleased with the results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a way to add detail to shadow areas using Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlight tool

In the future a fill card or flash fill will take care of this problemWww@QuestionHome@Com

What he said!.!.!.there's a little room to lighten it up some without blowing out any highlights!. A little rendering could lighten it some, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com