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Question: Deviant Art Problem!.!.!.!?
I am trying to go thru a list on Deviant Art of artists!. It`s quite long and has their name with their icons!. The only thing is some of the icons are those flash animated ones and all those moving pictures combined really slows the internet down and makes my internet close out!. is there any way i can look at this list without the icons!? or freeze the animated icons so they won`t slow my internet down!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
by animate icons, those could be flash instead of gif animation, in which you should, update flash, and maybe java if error continues, also may be good to cleanup hard-drive and empty browser cache and cookies which may also cause computer to slow down , if you have slower 56k modem and not high speed phone or cable, theres only so much you can do,
win or mac

also try another browser, firefox/ safari win/ mac
