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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do Drawing Classes work.?

Question: Do Drawing Classes work!.!?
Show me proof (link) to something you made after you went through a drawing class, Its really not needed for Digital Arts and Designs, but I would love to learn to draw better!. so if you could post proof, before would really help but not needed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I donot show my artwork on the internet but I can tell you that by practicing and going to an art club you can also be better than lianardo dafenshy and becaso with your feeling you can draw betteer than monaliza
enter this link to see it

I don't normally showcase my artwork on the internet, but I have been an artist for years now, and my main focus is on drawing!. I can tell you from personal experience that the best teacher you can have is yourself!. With practice you will make discoveries on your own!. Beleive me, before long, you will find your own techniques and will be able to learn at your own pace and experiment when you are ready to!. I have never taken any art classes and am doing very well on my own!. I think that classes will be too demanding and destract you from your true passions and from whatever techniques that work for you!. Remember that in art you have to approach what you are comfortable with and what it is that makes you successful!. Keep in mind that Bruce Le was the greatest at martial expert and he got that way by training himself!. Just something to think about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok here are some embarrassing pictures lol the first one is before art classes the second one is after 2 semesters of classes, so about 24 weeks!.
this is my old elfwood account lol, I should add some new less embarrassing things!. They do work if you apply yourself!. It's really how much effort you apply that matters!.
