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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Ideas for binding sheets of paper.?

Question: Ideas for binding sheets of paper!.!?
OK, so I made something for my mother for mother's day with pictures on 6 sheets of paper, but I am looking for ideas of how to bind the 6 sheets of paper together!. I don't want anything super fancy, I'm just looking for ideas other than stapling them together!. It will be a sort of scrapbook or something!. Thank you for any help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Punch a couple of holes and bind them with a ribbon with a nice bow!. Make sure you use coloured paper and use either a contrasting or complimentary colour for the ribbon (eg, purple pages, white ribbon)!. Has a big visual impact!. You can do the same with a single binding in the corner!.

You can also use the strip of cloth and glue the pages to it!.!.!.!.but if not done properly some of the pages will fall out!.

You can also look for some sort of binding book!. The are covers of all types, some look like a normal book cover, but there is a spring clip you can insert things into!. Other use clear sheets you can place the pages into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Or, you can take the sheets to a local copy center and have them bind them with one of several options available, such as Velobinding or other technique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com