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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What can I make for a japanese model in class? Iwas thinking of a Noh Mask, but

Question: What can I make for a japanese model in class!? Iwas thinking of a Noh Mask, but dont now how to make a mask!.!?
how to make mask!?
maybe out of clay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are many ways to make masks!. But to make a mask of clay you will need the following materials!. Sculpting Clay, a knife, and some water!.(all can be found at crafting stores)

Next, you take the clay and wet it down with the water!. Then take the knife and cut the head shape how you want it!. Then use ur fingers to sculpt the eyes,mouth etc!. Then let the clay dry or have a crafting store fire the mask!. Which means to cook the mask in a specific oven!. Once that is done ur mask will be stone!. Then you can paint! Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com