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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Has anyone ever owned an art gallery? I'm looking for tips to run one.?

Question: Has anyone ever owned an art gallery!? I'm looking for tips to run one!.!?
Suggestions - Plan to have several artists on commish - what are average percentages!? Any tips helpful!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I co-owned a gallery for 14 yrs, our commission was 35%!. Some smaller galleries in our area with not-so-established artists charged 30%, while larger "swankier" galleries with higher-profile artists charged 40%!.

In large cities, many established galleries charge 50 to 60% - but for that kind of coin, artists expect heavily-advertised shows which include invitations to the gallery owner's extensive list of private (rich) clients!.

Decide what you plan to provide the artists to earn that commission!. Here are questions you will hear from artists:

1) Do you have knowledgeable sales staff who can explain style, technique, medium, framing & price range!?

2) How often are you going to advertise!? And where!? What's your budget!?

3) What's your clientèle range, and does the art suit their style/budget!? Do your artist's skills, styles & price ranges compliment each other!? Or are their skill ranges, styles & prices all over the place!?

4) If you have other giftware for sale, does it compliment the art, or is the art simply to decorate the walls!?

5) What is your shipping policy - who packages the item, and who pays the freight!?

6) What are your open hours!? What is your location!? How big is the space!? What's the lighting like!? Do you keep a client list!? Do you already have a client list!? How soon after the sale do you pay!? (Should be at the end of that month, no longer than 30 days from the date of sale)!.

It sounds complicated but it's a business, and you have to have a plan in place if you're going to make it!.

Good fortune to you on your journey!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't suggest anyone attempt to "run" an art gallery, or any other kind of business, unless one had some experience working in one!. Mistakes can be very costly and, for an inexperienced owner, these mistakes can happen often!.

For example, would you know how to budget expenses, or, for that matter, what those expenses MIGHT be!? Where do you get your financing!? Have you got that all important "business plan" that lenders find so critical!? How about business licensing and zoning regulations in your community!. Fire codes!? Room capacities!? Insurance!? Taxes!? Not to mention payrolls, union involvement and other employee issues!?

Add to that the issues involving climate control and preservation of artworks of various media!? Archiving and delivery, security, framing and mounting, and so many other things!.

A few hints, here and there will not suffice in giving you the information you need to start to "run" an art gallery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How to Start & Run an Art Gallery
Learn how to start and run an art gallery from a successful galley owner in this free series of video lessons on the art business!.

also the 2nd link is for tip check it outWww@QuestionHome@Com