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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Recommended site to make a photoblog?

Question: Recommended site to make a photoblog!?
I'm looking to start a photoblog but I'm not sure of any good ones that are free other than Flickr!. I already have a DeviantArt account but I'm hoping a photoblog would get more traffic!. Any suggestions!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

its not technically a photo blog, but it will work!. free, easy to use, you can make your photos pretty large!. i have a blog and i get tons of traffic, way more than my website does!. they key is to make sure to type in your name and/or business at the beginning of each post!. and in the tags of course!.

mine: http://www!.bethottdesign!.wordpress!.com
my bf's: http://schmidtphoto!.com/wordpress/Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't matter what source you use weather wordpress or blogger!.

Register your blog with sites like
http://technorati!.com So when you update it, the tags are more search able!. I did that with my blog and whenever my name was searched on Google or Yahoo the blog always was on page 1 of the search!.Www@QuestionHome@Com