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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Jan Vermeer Picture?

Question: Jan Vermeer Picture!?
i need a picture of Jan (Johannes) Vermeer!.!.!.or at least a self potrait or something so i can get an idea of what he looks like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Little is known about Jan Vermeer!. A known self-portrait by Vermeer was destroyed in a fire at The Hague in 1696!. When he died, he left behind no "papers" to be saved for posterity, and the portrait that was destroyed is the only one!. Art historians are debating over an image in a painting of his called The Procuress!.!.!.!.they believe that the man in the foreground is Vermeer, that the artist inserted a portrait of himself into the painting!.
Here's a link to the work!.!.!.
(he'd be the blond man)Www@QuestionHome@Com