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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best internet site for fantasy art?

Question: What is the best internet site for fantasy art!?
of decent quality!. illustrations/ sketches are my favouriteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If there is any older than the Swedish site http://www!.elfwood!.com I don't know about them!. Check out their Fantasy Art Resource Project!. This is Dungeons and Dragons style art, mainly, which is to say good academic drawing applied to fantasy subjects!. Thus while there are "how to draw dragon" tutorials on the web the Fantasy Art Resource Project (FARP) has a page on dragon anatomy with skeletal structure and musculature!. I've been going to this place for more than ten years and I love it dearly!.

http://www!.deviantart!.com has some good pages!. I hate to say it but it's less demented (in the best sense of the term) than Elfwood!. I don't go there as much!.

You will find much to like on both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Elfwood!. It's not as sophisticated as deviantart, but in Elfwood you'll find original artwork!.
Deviantart is good though too in it's own way!.
Elfwood is just more!.!. I dunno!.!.!. old school!.
There is a Sci-fi/fantasy section and then there is the fanart, and also a section for fantasy/sci-fi writers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com