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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo editing program to clean up grainy B/W photos?

Question: Photo editing program to clean up grainy B/W photos!?
What's the best program to clean up grainy black white stills from a security camera!? Thanks to all in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Technically Adobe Photoshop is considered to be the most professional image editing program and arguably the best!. However, there is a free and open-source application called Gimp (available for PC and Mac) which is very very good!. It may not provide all the sophisticated functionality of a program like Photoshop but it is not far off it and it will certainly do a good job in cleaning up grainy images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From a security camera!? That's alot of grain, but you can try the Dust & Sratches filter in Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com