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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you decorate your picture....? help please=]?

Question: How do you decorate your picture!.!.!.!.!? help please=]!?
hi, i want to decorate my picture with stuff

where do i go to do that!?
i dont want photobuckett or something like that

and how would you put to pictures together!?

i'll give the best answer 10 points
thank you very much for your help


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you can go to blingee!.com to add stuff to pictures!.!.
you can add two pictures tougether using paint!.

or you can download a photo editing software like gimp or picasa (both are free) and edit pictures there!.


i use photoshop 5!.0 i love decorating and fixing pictures and that software works great it doesn't cost very much 30$ maybe a little more!. if you want more expencive more profesional software you can buy photoshop 9!.0 and if you want a free download you can use Helicon Filter i also use that!. but i have only had it for a little while so i am not sure of everything you can you can do with it but it is pretty good and it can do quite a bit if you want to change the background and just keep you body you can do that with Helicon Filter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Picnik!.com is a great way to edit photos for free!. also, there are many other computer software programs that you could buy!.

Please view my photography website


Thank You


photobucket is the best potion even if you dont want to do that i would sugest it

i love it and all you have to do is make an acount it really is super easys o i really would reconsider itWww@QuestionHome@Com

use photoshop you can edit pictures with it and do a lot of other cool effectsWww@QuestionHome@Com


just the paint thing or photoshopWww@QuestionHome@Com