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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photographers, what season do you love the most?

Question: Photographers, what season do you love the most!?
Please rank #1, #2, #3, and #4!.

#1 Spring
#2 Fall
#3 Summer
#4 WinterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you!.!.!.

#1 - Spring!.!.!. I love seeing all the flowers blooming!.

#2 - Fall!.!.!. I love seeing the leaves change colors!.

#3 - Summer!.!.!. everything is still alive and beautiful!.

#4 - Winter!.!.!. everything is dead and boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My first choice would have to be Spring!. Mainly becuase it is so colorful and everything is starting a new begging, which links very well when taking photos!. Second I would have to say fall, becuase of all the beautiful leaves the colors in fall are very realaxing and well blended together!. 3rd I would have to chose Winter!. The snowy senes have many oppertunies for taking photos with!. For example you can indent hand prins into the snow or trails for some significant meaning, or just for fun!. Of course you can do that in the summer sand too though which is my fourth choice!. It is not that I dont enjoy the summer but it is almost the same setting as spring but without the colors and new beggings!.!.!. to me it feels like its the season thats bringing everything to and end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1)fall--- because the leaves are changing and they just look great
#2) spring ---because tree and flowers are just blooming and everything is so alive and new
#3) summer--- because it's summer you can do water photos and beach photo stuff like that!.
#4)winter---because you can get snow photosWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. autumn or fall - best kroma (kroma is colour)
2!. winter
3!. spring or rise
4!. summer


I like #3: Summer because the sun is usually bigger and wierd colours in the summer, i'm awesome at sun shots!Www@QuestionHome@Com