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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Waht do you think of my cat pictures?

Question: Waht do you think of my cat pictures!?
I'm trying to expirment with photographing my cat!. I definately need practice! What do you think!? Any tips!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Composition seems good but most of them are underexposed!. This is a common problem when shooting black or very dark subjects and becomes more pronounced in B&W!.

If you can set your camera to manual exposure try this -
Adjust your camera to about one f/Stop more light (Lower F number or 1/2 the previous shutter speed) or go to a photography store and get an 18% gray card and take a meter reading off of it and use that setting!.

If your camera is automatic only or has special settings -
If their is an EV adjustment setting use that to increase exposure (+ !.5 or +1)!. You will have to experiment a bit!.
Or see if the camera has a "Low Key" setting or something that is for DARK (not night) subjects!.

also, the fur in a number of the shots looks too harsh or brittle!. This can be a result of over-processing in the photo software (PhotoShop, Paint, etc!.) or from the settings on your camera!. For example, if your camera has a "Picture Mode" such as Natural, Vivid or Muted make sure it is set to Natural or Muted!. Another possibility is that your camera has built in "Sharpening" settings that are set too high!.

Hope that helps!.
Email me if you have specific questions or want more details about settings on your camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they're kind of boring!. you need some more color or action in your photos!. and i think the cat is too close to the lens!. if you want the cat close to the lens, you might want to get only half of the cats face at a really cool angle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they're good

how about some action shots!? cat leaping off fence, cat washing face!?Www@QuestionHome@Com