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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you make a portfolio for modeling?

Question: How do you make a portfolio for modeling!?
I need one to hand out to agencies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a semi-pro photographer I can recommend establishing yourself as talent first through a website that is targeted at doing exactly what you want - establishing a portfolio!.

A portfolio is tuned to the work you've had and what you are interested in pursuing!. If you want theater work then a portfolio of artistic nudes is probably not appropriate for that direction!.

Get to know the talent in your area and work with them!. Realize some of them are doing this as a full-time profession and as such have very valuable contacts and information for you!. Sometimes you'll get what you are desiring from an agency OUTSIDE the agency due to your contacts while building your portfolio!.

Treat your resources that create your portfolio with you as valuable!. When they offer a price for services go ahead and check whether it is appropriate for your locale!.

Check the website I've linked below for my portfolio and you can create a portfolio there yourself!. Get to know your local resources and circulate!. A stagnant portfolio tells me that person isn't hustling, and modeling is somewhat of a hobby to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you dont! get a good friend to take a head shot of you and a full length shot of you in a bikini!. just ordinary snaps will do!. take or send these snaps to all the good, well known agency's you can find!. If they think you have what they are looking for they will see it in these snaps and will contact you to come in for a better look at you!. be prepared for a lot of rejections!. if an agency thinks you have 'something' they will take you on and send you for trail shots to build up your portfolio!.
if an agency promises you work in return for money for a portfolio, walk away!. no work will materialize!. it's a scam!
no reputable agency will charge you for shots!. they earn their money when you start earning yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And so it begins !.!.!.

Go down this route and spend the rest
of your life worrying about how you
appear, spending long hours standing
around, potentially taking drugs to
make you feel prettier, etc!.!.!.

If you're not carefull, you'll end
up basing your entire self worth on
your appearance!.

And then being all washed up by 35!.

I know I won't be able to convince you
not to go down this road so all I can
hope is that you might be one of the
lucky ones who can pull this off and
have a happy life!.

I strongly suggest you develop other
interests, especially ones that earns
money, as you enter into modeling!.

And good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A portfolio pretty much just consists of tearsheets and print work that you've done!. Since you're just starting out, I'd suggest putting your photos in a decent-looking binder or folder and have either a friend or an amateur/cheap photographer take quality photos of you!. Good luck, and hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elena ^^ that was really inappropriate!. Just because your ugly don't hate someone because they see their beauty as a possible career ambition!. Really, who are you to say that!?!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com