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Position:Home>Visual Arts> So, I finally have the money to get a DSLR. What do you recommend that I buy?

Question: So, I finally have the money to get a DSLR!. What do you recommend that I buy!?
I'm using an Olympus C-765UZ right now and I have 2 lenses for it (a macro lens and a telephoto lens [I don't remember what it is exactly off the top of my head; it's at home and I'm at school so I can't go check, either!.])!. My parents just bought me those lenses for Christmas, so of course they keep reminding me how much they spent on them, and the fact that if I get a new camera, the lenses will go unused!.
So, I guess my first question is: Should I get a DSLR now, or keep using what I have for a while!?
Here's some of my photos (taken with my current camera, obviously): http://flickr!.com/photos/dani_1591/

If you think I should get a DSLR, which do you recommend!? Are there any that would be compatible with the lenses I have!? (I'll add details as soon as I find out what exact lenses I have!.) I have $600-800 to spend!.!.!. it depends on how much of my own money my dad's willing to match!. =)

Thanks for reading all this and for any advice you have!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may want to wait!.

This past year has been one where a lot of technological advances in sensors and analog to digital converters and it has been the big news!.

If you use your existing camera gear with those add-on lenses for now!. Since your parents purchased actual Olympus add-on lenses,your image quality will not suffer much!. Later, when you have done the research, you will be able to:

1) pick the right camera for your shooting style and the subjects you like to shoot!.
2) have an even better list of cameras to choose from in the future!.

At present you can buy an entry level DSLR with a good starting lens for under $470!. In a year or two, who knows!?

Keep shooting and learning how to compose and expose under all kinds of conditions!. Take a class in photography if you have the opportunity and it should help you to further define your photographic goalsWww@QuestionHome@Com

you are very talented with the camera you have, you have a great eye for detail and should do it professionally!. The main advantage of going digital is you can manipulate your photos on a computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want DSLR buy an Olympus!. Your lenses should fit on the Olympus DSLR!. The only one in your price range is the Olympus Evolt E510 ($600)!.
There is no sense in switching brands if you all ready have lenses that will work on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the camera i bought over a year ago now is an Olympus E-500 Evolt!. it's a great dslr! i've actually won a few contests with the pictures i've taken with it! it comes with two lenses and a built in flash, however you can purchase a separate larger flash for it!. I bought mine at Circuit City and with the camera(both lenses included), a bag, 1GB memory card and insurance it cost me around $900!. totally worth every penny! Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com