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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Anyone a graphic designer???

Question: Anyone a graphic designer!?!?!?
I have a project that is due in,2 DAYS!!! I still haven't found anyone who has the career as a graphic desinger!T_T All I need to do is ask 4 simple questions about their job on being a graphic desinger and that's it!.

Please,if anyone out there is a graphic desinger and will be so kind to let me interview you,that would be soo appreciated!.If you know someone who is,please do tell me who and how to contact them!.

Oh and e-mail me so that I know you'll want an interview!.It's not a big of a deal really,only 4 questions,that's it!. If you have myspace,add me as a friend,so probably I can just IM you the questions,so that I don't have to go to all the trouble of thinking to finding a way to actually interview you!.

Thank you for reading!^-^Any help would be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a graphic designer you can email me at talesfromtrip@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a graphic designer but I am a printer and the head of the printing department!. I do have to do a little graphic design but it is very little because I have an Art Dept that does my design work for me!. My son is a graphic designer but he doesn't have time for an interview!.
I think your best bet would be to post the 4 questions and let the graphic designers out there see what you want to know!. They would be more likely to answer you and then you could contact the ones that seem interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, if it'll help I was an art director and designer (graphic) here in Atlanta!. It was a while ago, but if you don't find someone else, I'd be happy to help!. Oh yea, I don't have myspace but you can email me and I'll get back to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com