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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What to paint in the background of this picture?

Question: What to paint in the background of this picture!?
I am working on this water color and can't think of what to add!. It needs something more!. Ideas, please!?




Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would use muted colors, take a look at some of my recent works for an example of what I am talking about on my blog at http://watercolorpaintingart!.blogspot!.co!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it's hard to ask other people what to put in your own artwork

i'm a very extravagant person and my paintings are all rich and extravagant, except for a few!.!.!. so i would fill up that space with gorgeous giant leaves rich with color!.!.!. but if you did that you would have to make the lion's and cat's heads stand out a lot more!.!. so you'd need something more subtle!.!. like a faded background and a splash of pale colors!?

sometimes if i don't know what to do with a painting i'll leave it alone for a few days!. i'll prop it up somewhere where i can see it everyday and eventually a really good idea will come to you that you would not have thought of today! i find my art is at it's best when i take my time and use this procedure!. you can't rush good work!

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice work Lexx!. Your background depends on what you are trying to express!. Is the work symbolic!? Who or what does it represent!? Do you want other objects in the painting!? You may just want to have different colors in the background!? Colors in themselves can be very symbolic!. Do you want the colors to compliment the colors you already have or do you want the colors to contrast!? Either way looks great so far---good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. I'd agree with he other in that, hers has more a feeling of 'depth' to her scene!. You could also gain that, and "I" think it'd be grand! : {Www@QuestionHome@Com