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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which modern artist has a penchant for doing landscapes seen through a window, w

Question: Which modern artist has a penchant for doing landscapes seen through a window, where the distinction between!.!.
the window frame and the landscape is blurred!.

its probably 6 or 7 years since ive seen hir prints in an art shop!.

[do you like my new his/her uni-sex word!]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You'll have to be more specific, as there are many artists who fit that vague description!. also, it doesn't matter how long it has been since you have seen such prints, as the "modern" artist may have been around for far longer than that (i!.e!., the works may be "modern" to you, but, in actuality, they might be quite old), or even less than that (i!.e!., it may have been only, say, four years since you last saw it, and the artist has only been around for, say, five years, so your recollection may throw us off)!. Furthermore, the fact that you haven't seen it in an art shop is meaningless, as the shop or its supplier may simply be out of such prints, or the artist is no longer considered sale worthy (have you thought of asking the art shop as to the artist's identity!? if they carried the print, then they probably know something about it!)!.

P!.S!. As to your "new his/her uni-sex (sic) word" (i!.e!., "hir"), I'll admit that it is clever, though probably not original, and most people would simply prefer to believe that you are either lazy or uneducated or intentionally misleading them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not direct answer to you!.

Anyway, the thematics of the window make me think about the symbol of it through modern art (modern in the poetical meaning : since the 19th century)!.
The window, poetically and lyrically, is considered as the symbol of the poet's impossibility to say actually things!. Language would be a sort of filter!.
This is also a game about realism!.

All modern art is based on these dynamics!. Surrealistic art, specially, did use of it!.
Let's see these Magritte's two works :

In both cases, representation is more questionned than basically accepted!. This position is also a part of its definition!.

Have a good week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com