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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Free photo imaging software online?

Question: Free photo imaging software online!?
Is there a free site I can change background on photos, change the hairstyles and clothes and minimise weight on photos and put heads onto model's bodies!. I am new at photographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely not!.
You're going to have to learn a lot of skill before you attempt to do most of that!.
I'd suggest you invest in Photoshop or Elements which is just a step down and a lot cheaper!.
No matter what program you use it's going to take some time!.
There is no easy button unfortunately, sorry! =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is Photoshop on line!. It will do what you want, BUT, it will not do it by itself!. You have to learn to use the program and practice!. It is a SKILL, you cannot just push a button or two and have things happen that you want!.!.!. with Photoshop or ANY photo editing program!.

