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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone photoshop this picture for me? I want to put my friends picture by J

Question: Can someone photoshop this picture for me!? I want to put my friends picture by Johnny Depp!.!.hard to do!.!.!?
I want my friends picture in place of the girls next to Johnny Depp!.
I only have paint so it would look really bad!.
If anyone is interesteed !.!. I'd love you forever!
I want it to look realistic, not cheesy!.
And obviously her picture will need to be enlarged a little and flipped to face the right way!.
Thanks so much!.
(It's for her birthday, i'm going to put this picture on her cake!)

Her picture!.

The picture w/Johnny!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
tough one!.!.!.but i gave it a shot




That's amazing!. You did a really good job!. Think you could do one for me too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com