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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Colors?????

Question: Colors!?!?!?!?!?
okk i know a tint is a color plus white!.!.!.im confused with the tones and shades,,,,im not sure which is which but i know u add black or grey to make a tone or shadeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
to make a shade you add black to the color!.

tones im not sure aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com


If I'm not mistaken, tone is the same as value i!.e!. how darker or lighter a colour is!.

Hue : name of the colour
Chroma : colour's temperature/saturation
Value : colour's tone (light/dark)

I guess this is it, but don't quote me on it!.
I'm sure that if you search on Wikipedia, you'll get an answer!.

Kind regards,

