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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best program to use for general photo editing if I have tons of phot

Question: What is the best program to use for general photo editing if I have tons of photos like weddings!?
I've been trying to move toward the bright colors and high contrast style such as with www!.scarlettlillian!.com!. I edited one wedding in Adobe Lightroom!. I got the prints back, ordered a flush mount sample album and everything looked great!. My next event was a high school prom!. I took formal pictures as well as documentary!. Their background wasn't very cool, but either way!.!.!.it looked nice on screen (bumping up color saturation and contrast), but the prints looked awful!. Skin tones were harsh!.!.!.not orange or anything, just odd looking!. I'm beginning to rethink the color thing and maybe just adjust levels/contrast!. How long does it take to develop a special "style" that is recognizable!? I don't necessarily want to "copy" someone elses, I just want my images to be bold!. I really trust Photoshop, but it takes forever to individually open and save images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At school we use Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Bridge!.

You may want to color profile your monitor and printer so you will know exactly how your prints will come out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find Bibble is a good program for RAW conversion (and even JPEGs ) and it comes with a handy skin tone optimisation plug in that seems to work well!.


Of course photoshop is still part of my work flow!.

Bibble and Photoshop are intended for pro usage so they have batch and action capabilities to help automate tasks when you have hundreds of images from a days shooting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop has been used in professional studios and commercial digital companies for decades simply becasue it is the best option!.

The timing issue could be related to the machine your using, perhaps some extra ram or a quicker spped hard drive to do your editing on would solve some of those headaches!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if i were you i would try picasa from google just type it in!. It is a free program that u can due a veriaty of different things with like cropping, contrast, red i, special effects and alot of other features!. i would also reccomend Photoscape it is a lot better but not as easy to use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you need to do is not only calibrate your monitor, but learn soft proofing!. Then you will know exactly what your prints will look like and if that style you are going for works on that subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would agree, photoshop is the best software I've used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is your best option!. If the colors are not printing the way you want them I would do a couple of things!. First send one of the photos to a local processor and see if it was the person who printed the photos or your editing!. Second have you calibrated your monitor lately!?
If you shoot in RAW you can batch process all of your photos at once!. For example you can take all the photos that you shot in the church and make your adjustments!. Then move on to the outdoor shots and so on!.
If this isn't practical then you may need to invest in a faster computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com