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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Have you been let down by a disposable Kodak camera?

Question: Have you been let down by a disposable Kodak camera!?
Just been on a once in a lifetime experience swimming with sharks and took a disposable Kodak waterproof camera to record some pictures!.

When the film was developed at a local trusted dealer, the entire film was overexposed and no images came out!.

My family are gutted at being disappointed this way!. It's unlikely that I will ever get the chance to do this thing again!.

I chose the Kodak camera because I trusted the name to provide a quality product!.

The camera was never used in the water, only in air so I'm still not sure what went wrong!.

The developer said that these cameras fail more often than they work!.

What are your experiences with disposable cameras!? Which brand would you recommend!?

Sorry, no category specific for this!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I went to Egypt and bought a disposable camera on the plane!. It was specially designed for underwater photos, but it let me down!. The wind-on mechanism never worked and nothing came out!. I was pretty disappointed too, and tried to tell the airline, but have you ever tried to tell an airline about anything! I gave up in the end!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My step mother in law travels the world, using dispoable cameras by choice!. She has used, both Kodaks and Fujis (but not the water proof kind, that I know of) The only time she has been disappointed was when she dropped one, and the resultant film had signs of light leakage!.

None of her shots have been particularly, technically spectacular, but, for snapshots, considering the exotic locales in which she has traveled, she has some pretty impressive photo albums!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have I been let down by a disposable Kodak camera!? Hard to be let down when your expectations aren't that high to begin with!.

Seriously, if I were doing a "once in a lifetime" event, I would NOT rely on any disposable camera!.

But, to answer your question, my experience with the Fuji brand has been better than the Kodak brand -- but again, not for 'once in a lifetime' events!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

before digital cameras and mobile phones, i used to always use disposable cameras, from 99p supermarket own brand to Kodak and I think they worked out every time, I was never disappointed and always got good quality pics even in the pitch dark during nights out! Im sorry yours didnt work out, I guess it could happen with any camera though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have had a bad experience with a Kodak disposable two times!. The first was just grainy pictures due to (I think) the film speed being too high!. The second was worse because it was a flash that didn't work, and it was Christmas morning!.!.!.!. I was very upset about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com