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Position:Home>Visual Arts> OK..I finished this painting I think. Do you like it? Comments?

Question: OK!.!.I finished this painting I think!. Do you like it!? Comments!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Posterizing of values is good!.!.!.patterns of light across the figures interesting !.!.!.left hand of the model appears backwards because thumb is not clearly defined!.!.!.the male knees articulated more than necessary for where they are in space!.!.!.lines and edges in rough pants more sharply defined than the female hand!.!.!.contrast needs to be sharper in the fingers to bring the hand in front of the male figure!.!.!.distortion in the top along the water line is very nice!.!.!.please checkout Gerard Hubers web site to see beautifully done photo realism!.!.!.figures would be best presented as life size!.!.!.I do like the painting in spite of my nit pickingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I checked out your painting!. I think it's great!. It really looks real, as though it was a photograph!. You did a great job!. I like how the light reflected on the people as they are swimming!. However, I'm not a professional in any way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's really good!. your depiction of water is one a lot of people try and fail to get but you certainly got it! it's really cool and I like the others as wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like the painting! If you are looking for some advice on painting visit the link below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As an professional artist I have to say good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com