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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What does anyone think of the new cannon XTi rebel?

Question: What does anyone think of the new cannon XTi rebel!?
is it prosumer or what!?
I am a nikon person, but need to change I think to continue on!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are a Nikon person, why do you need to change!? I think the Nikon DSLR line is better at this level than the Canon's!. You are calling the XTi "new," but it is about 20 months old, which is a long time in the fast moving world of digital cameras!. The XSi just came out, so maybe you'd be more interested in that!.

I'm a Nikon person, too, and I don't have anything to say about the XSi, because I have not even seen one yet!. The XTi and XSi might be called prosumer by some, but I think they are better classified as advanced amateur!. The 30D or 40D would be Canon's prosumer cameras!. The Nikon D80 is advanced amateur and the D200 and D300 are prosumer level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com