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here are shots from my first wedding, should i continue to do them or not!? if so any ideas on improving them!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have some nice shots but you need more practice!. Lighting and background are very important!. The people in the photos are very relaxed with you which is a good sign!. Framing is very important!. The best way to learn is to look and learn from professional photos to give you ideas!. Once you have these you can develop your own style!. It takes time so don't expect to be perfect the first time!. Keep clicking!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are not bad for the first time!. There were some problems with flash exposure causing blown highlights and harsh shadows in the reception photos!. You need some extensive work on flash technique!. I didn't care for the white sky look at all!. The group shots were ok, a bit disconnected and random looking, mostly because they all appeared to be involved in their own groove rather than part of the group!. In one of the group shots, a groomsman has his eyes shut!. Either Photoshop them open or discard that one!. (I am assuming you have other similar ones) You have a few color balance issues, the skin color in the bride on the green grass is off, and the grass looks too vibrant, enough to be a distraction!.

Honestly, they weren't terrible, but also not very much better than snapshots!. By all means, if you liked doing it, continue!. Try to find a mentor to assist for at least a few!. I did not think they were at a level where you can charge yet, but OTOH, I have seen some work that wasn't any better that the photog was getting paid for!. Really look critically at your output here, I am sure you have many more images!. Are these the best of them!? (They should be, it is good to only show your best images to the masses, and only show deficiencies to people who can help you identify the shortcomings and improve!.)

Things to work on would be exposure, (you have many MANY blown highlights, including often the bride's dress) composition, editing, posing and flash technique!. You really need a fast lens to throw the background out of focus, most of the images have way too much that is sharp!. also I didn't notice any of the ceremony, or any good ones of the B&G together!. Where is the "wow" mushy shot!? Good luck, I hope the bride is pleased with your effort!. It takes courage to step into the wedding photography business, I wish you the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some were a little harsh with the lighting I have to agree, but if I were the married couple I would be ex static with the beautiful pictures that you took!. Besides: A photographer isn't the one judging or keeping the photos on their wall, it's the married couple and all they are going to want are pictures capturing the moment!. And I believe that you did exactly that!! Great Job!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them are really good! The one group shot where there are several people standing off on each side, they should have moved in closer!. In some photos the groom doesn't look happy!. There was one with someone squinting or maybe frowing, that wasn't very flattering!.
I like the one of the little girl behind the door that was cute!. The one with the bride with the baby was nice but again the groom was kind of!.!.!.not in the mood of the picture!.

I like the one with the sky as the background!. Not the one with the bushes, they look rather barren!.

Hey, I am NOT a professional!. Just offering my two cents worth!.!.!.Since you asked!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks like you're a tall chap, try bringing your camera down to your subjects level!.

Very good for a first attempt!.

Making a living with wedding photography is nigh on impossible these days, when they hear how much you need to charge they inevitably go with Uncle XXX, he's got a proper camera!.


Should you continue!.!? Yes!. Should you charge!? No!.

You need more practice!. Pay close attention to lighting and composition!. Notice, a lot of your subjects are centered!.!.!. an amateur's biggest mistake!. Think about other ways to compose!. Try the rule of thirds for some!. And use dramatic lighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes deff!. continue!! Your biggest problem I think is light and background distraction!! So work on lighting and bokeh!!Www@QuestionHome@Com