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Question: Question regarding pottery/ceramics!?
So I've made all my pieces but now it's time to carve them!. Everytime I do this I end up ruining them! Usually they fly off the wheel even when I think I have them secure!. Any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you are probably trying to have the wheel go too fast!. Slow down!. While trimming you don't need much speed!.
Anchor with 3 lumps of clay where you think it will be centered!.
Hold a tool steady (rest your arm on your knee a narrow space away from your pot!. Rotate turntable by hand and watch space between tool end and pot!. It should not vary (much)!. Adjust until it doesn't!.
Then use motor to slowly rotate wheel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I am trimming the bottom of the pots I do it 2 ways!.

I will place the piece in the center of the wheel!. Rotate it a few times!. Then put 3 large pieces of clay to anchor the piece!.
The pieces of clay are the size of 2 golf balls next to each other!.

I have the wheel running slow!. almost a crawl!.
I lock my elbows on my legs on an electric wheel or (my arms on the frame of the wheel if the wheel is a stand up kick wheel)
I will also put a finger on the center to help me steady the cutting tool!.

The second way I trim is to just use the cutting tools and work at a table!. Not using a wheel!. I started by doing ceramic sculpture; so I feel free not to bother with a wheel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you don't mention what technique you are using!. Are you utilizing a coil technique and then adding detail by scraping away parts!? Are you using the slab method but the seams fail!? Are you throwing clay on a wheel and having trouble centering!?Www@QuestionHome@Com