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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How long are Polaroid cameras still going to be available in the future?

Question: How long are Polaroid cameras still going to be available in the future!?
I've heard they're shutting down film production!.!.!. I'm assuming that means cameras won't be sold either!. Is that correct!? If so, when does it all end!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Polaroid has exited the instant film market!. Both cameras and film are no longer being produced!. You can still buy both until supplies run out, then the film will become very expensive on ebay and the cameras will become very cheap!. People are already starting to horde the film, but they won't be able to keep it for long because it can't be stored like regular film!. It stops working completely within a couple of years depending on the temperature at which it was stored!.

The good news! Japanese school girls are still very interested in instant photography and so is Fuji Film!. Fuji makes a couple of very interesting instant cameras under the Instax brand with better features than many of the Polaroids!. The cost is about the same and they show no signs of getting out of the instant business any time soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They've already discontinued the film, as someone else has noted!. You'll be able to buy the camera, but without the film, it is nothing but a collectors piece!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without film the cameras aren't much good, so basically it's already ended!.


I'm sure they will but prices will be so low that everybody can afford like 10 of them with like a dollar! LOL Well maybe not!.!.!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com