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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why mona lisa is this much famous?

Question: Why mona lisa is this much famous!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ik right, i think that the mona lisa is just like any other painting !.-!.
i dont really see whats so special about it!.!.!.
maybe its because the style that it was painted was unique from other paintings in the time period that it was paintedWww@QuestionHome@Com

it was painted by a respected artist - which usually helps make a painting famous!.
the main thing that makes it famous, i think, is the mona lisa's 'enigmatic smile' - you can't really tell what she's thinking!. plus, some people have even debated whether she's actually male!.
to be honest, i don't see what all the fuss is about - yes, it's a well painted portrait but there are many, many portraits out there in the art world that should be appreciated ust as much as the Mona Lisa!. it's also very very small!

candy (above) is right!. when it was painted, (the artist made it for somebody) but when he finished, he loved so much, he didnt want to give it to that person!.and it is really alot smaller than you probably expect!. in the Louvre, everyone's like crowding around that area, and its so small!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you even know WHAT the Mona Lisa IS!?

If is a famous painting and it hangs in the Louvre in Paris!.Www@QuestionHome@Com