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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Silk screening help !!!! all you printers who know !!!?

Question: Silk screening help !!!! all you printers who know !!!!?
how do you start printinng with cymk!? and rgb!? which colors do i start with!? and end with!?!?!?!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hello there fellow printmaker,

You start with the lightest color first and then go to the darkest!.!. always end with the k which stands for key
key is traditionally the key image which means the black outline!.!.!. or black it is also the color that you usually have the least of in your prints!.

RGB- that is up to you i would go from lightest to darkest but it depends on the registration your key image is always last
BLACK IS ALWAYS LAST :)Www@QuestionHome@Com