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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help needed- JEH Macdonald?

Question: Help needed- JEH Macdonald!?
Does anyone know a lot about JEH Macdoand (a member of the group of seven)!? i was wondering if u did what his style was (what did he like to paint the most, i think landscapes) and lemme know if u know what colours he liked to use, if u know ur elements and principles of designs realte them to his paintings (texture, line, balance, etc) !.!.!.you can visit this website to see some of his work


who ever helps me out the most will have 10 points!.!.!.thank you so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know much about J!.E!.H Macdonald since i'm not taking art as of now!.!.!.but after seeing some of his paintings I'd say he liked to use a lot of color and contrast as well as texture!. Most if not all actually look life-like!. Anyways sorry if didn't help but that all i can say and good luck on your project :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no we don't no and we dont care cuz this question is boring lol:)Www@QuestionHome@Com