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Question: Good Camera!?
I want to start photography as a hobby, but I don't want a really expensive camera!. Can anyone give me links to good cameras, like canon, sony olympius, nikon etc!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Photographic hobbyists use adjustable cameras !.!.!. not point and shoot type cameras!.

Since you are just starting out, you may want to look at a good Nikon or Canon 35mm SLR with lens for under $200!. This and a class at your local community college will get you going faster than the old "trial and error method" so beloved by many!.

The reason a P&S camera is not a good choice for a hobbiest is they lack control over the cameras functions!. They are "auto" everything and a hobiest usually wants to be able to use selective depth of field, shoot high and low key still life photos, buy specialty lenses when they can afford it and add to their systems as they choose!.

Bokeh seems to be very popular with photographers right now !.!.!.!. a P&S camera can cause a lot of frustration when attempting to do this!.


Look on craigslist in a city near you for a good 35mm camera and then start shootingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I second dpreview and kenrockwell website!.!.!. If this is just for hobby then you can get by getting a camera with kit lens like the Nikon d40x or Nikon d60 or Canon rebel!. What kind of photography are you most interested in!? Macro, Landscape!.!.!. depending on what you want you can an all around lens or a specific lens for your purpose!.!.!. Note that after you buy the dslr you will find out that you just got started!. Lens are another story!. Pro quality lens can get really expensive but first you must decide what brand you want to go with because you will buying lens for that specific brand!. Unless money is not an issue!. Goodluck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look into a camera with manual control!. Like fhotoace said, an SLR or DSLR would be best, but a digi cam with M mode will give you some of the results you'll need!. Look into the Nikon P80, Canon S5 IS, or Canon SX100 IS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the Olympus Stylus 120!. It is the camera I use for everyday snapshots!. I am not a professional photographer, but I am pleased with the results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kodak Easyshare V803!.!.I think!.

I love it! Very hi-tech, great 8x zoom and overall the best I've ever had! Comes in different colors too!.



this tells you in depth about any camera you are interested!.
Read the left hand choices to start and go from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com