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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need some ideas on a project. Am suppose to develop a theme and then explore t

Question: I need some ideas on a project!. Am suppose to develop a theme and then explore that theme through photography!.
themes can be like *farm life-i will take pictures of the barn, animals and etc, or the theme can be of school life -and i will take picture of classrooms, student and etc!.
so can you plz help me come up with some more themes plzzz!! thank u!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, first of all!.!.!. Antoniki is a big jerk!. You're wanting ideas so that you can better express your creativity!. You're not asking us to do the work for you!. Ugh!.

Anyway!.!.!. let me think for a minute and I'll be back!.!.!.

Ok!.!.!. here goes!.!.!.

Zoo or petting zoo
A construction site (if you know a builder who wouldn't mind you getting in the way for an hour or so)
the subway
the airport
city life
a theme park (I actually did this as an assignment in one of my photography classes!.)
a playground
the beach/beach life or the lifeguards
a national or state park
speedway/baseball park/other sports arenas or game action
I don't know if this would work for your assignment, but as a photo essay assignment in one of my classes, i thought about taking lots of photos along one stretch of road in my area that is especially beautiful!.
i'm running out of ideas!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
maybe you could photo a wedding for your assignment!.!.!. or shadow another photographer while they shoot the wedding so you can worry about meeting the needs of your assignment while they worry about the needs of the couple!.
ooh!.!.!. great idea!.!.!.!. call it something like "being five" and shoot photos of children being children, having fun!.!.!.
Along the same lines, you could do one of old ppl and call it something like "being 99" or "almost dead" (although I wouldn't recommend that last one!. lol!.)
go out on a boat and photograph the crew in action
birthday party (be sure there is a clown!. lol!. you could look up a clown service online or in your yellow pages and ask if you could follow and take photos!.!.!. offer the photos to the company for free if they say no at first!. tell them they can use them for marketing their business!.!.!. and you and them can sell them to the family having the party, so they and you would both make money off of it!.)
the mall or your favorite store (if they allow photography inside)
the dog park

i'm all out of ideas!.!.!. if i think of any more i'll come back!

Good luck on your project!!! :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the point of homework is to learn and study

the point of this homework is to get YOU thinking in terms of making images

so i will give you the best help you can get for this assignment: develop a theme and then explore that theme through photography - by yourself!

EDIT: PB your no good to anyone with that silly answer
