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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you help me with this photo please?

Question: Can you help me with this photo please!?
We were on our way to a Atlanta Braves game and got a flat tire!. While waiting I went to a gas station and bought a disposable camera!. I saw that it was a cheap generic one and thought I should wait until later to buy a better one!. But I bought it just in case I didn't get a chance to get one later!. Anyway, my friend Mike took this photo when I graduated from Bible College in Tennessee!. This is me and Norvel Hayes in summer of 2006!. Can anyone copy this photo and fix it up for me, and then send it back to me!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi sir, If someone hasn't already did it for you, send me your E-mail and I'll send you an attachment and show what I've come up with to see if it meets your needs
Dennis Johnson

http://tinypic!.com/view!.php!?pic=14lkqpl&!.!.!. (click on image for full size)

there isn't that much you can do with this bc it's so small and grainy already, you may consider putting it in a high contrast black and white though!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its to small to fix, get a large file of the image and then get someone to try fixing it for you


Looks kind of grainy to me!. I'm not sure if photo editing software could correct it!.!.!.!.perhaps make it look brighter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fix it how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can try, I use photoshopWww@QuestionHome@Com