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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I love to take photos, are these any good?

Question: I love to take photos, are these any good!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they are pretty good!.!.!.kinda creative!.!.!.its a great start!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are good enough, but if you wish to enter photography then you will have to develop skills of developing theme!.

It means every photograph taken reveals some special theme which is hidden somewhere in background!. You will have to be more concerned about the quality and less specific about the quantity!.

The basic requirement that needs to be fulfilled is to be a good artist in visualizing various themes at different stages!.

Wish you all the very best for your career ahead!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of your Photographs are o!.k ! It would help to know more about the camera type you used before a true answer to your question can be given! Main reason for this is that a cheap Digital camera will do your pictures no justice!.I know that at the end of the day it's all down to skills in composition and the effects light has on the overall picture!. A Photograph is a painting made by light, and the way you use it can make all the difference!. No matter how many PIXELS they offer on the Digital camera's, you CANNOT and will NEVER beat or replace 35mm Camera {or larger} format!. DSLR's have come along way now and are for sure very good, but i'm from the old school and FILM is where the true art lies!. Don't rely too heavily on computers to put things right!.!.!. get it right in your camera!.!.!.it's LOADS more FUN !Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the second to the last one, the one with the 3 birds in flight!. :) I would have had a different framing of it, though!. There's too much void space!. Maybe if it were in portrait instead of landscape!? I think that would have been better!.

Play with framing! The subject doesn't have to be at the center of the frame!. Rule of Thirds!. :) (you can look it up in wiki!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like them a lot!.!.!.especially the one of the birds and the surfer, oooh and the one of the black and white tree! And don't forget that cute little squirrel!.=] But, i did not like the last one of the eye!.!.!.!.pictures of eyes can be pretty cool but that one needs a little help, maybe glam it up first and then take the picture from the side view!.
Here is a picture of an eye that i found:

Even if some weren't blurry!.!.!.they're just not that great!. They're average!. They have no compositional elements or anything!. I'm sorry!.
It takes more than just "seeing something pretty," pointing a camera at it and taking a picture, to be good at photography!. There are a lot of things to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the trees & the surfer one!. they did seem a bit blurry though!. unless that's the effect you want, you may want to get your camera to focus a bit more!. for nature images, it looks nicer if things are in focus!.
the squirrel was cute! he looked like he was sticking out his lip, pouting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're interesting!.!. but you also need to think what makes that photo unique!?

What's so special about it that would give the viewer interest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi I am just started doing this my self Thank you for looking

I like number 1,2, and 4 They looked good to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you enjoy doing, then just do it!. Don't worry about other people's approval!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they were good!. the eye one needs alot of help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The two of the squirrel are my favorite - the last one is spooky!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the first one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not bad at allWww@QuestionHome@Com

not these photos

p!.s!. a dslr would helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can enjoy photography without having to have the latest greatest camera!. Your images do show some limitations in your current equipment, but some of the problems are technique and not the camera!. If you enjoy taking pictures, and like the results, then you don't need the approval of a bunch of YA strangers!. (Some of us are stranger than others!)

Your pictures are the standard point and snap novice efforts!. Some could be improved by adjusting the levels and saturation in the software program of your choice!. If you don't have Photoshop, there are lots of free applications you can find on the web!. Blurry images cannot be fixed, that is one thing that has to be right in the camera!. You have a nice beginning, but as you gain knowledge and practice you will get better First, take a class at the local level if you can!. Get your camera manual and read it so you will understand it thoroughly and know its limitations!. Get a book on beginning photography to gain some technical and artistic knowledge!. Look at great images from magazines and pro websites!.!. Pay attention to the angle of the shot, the composition, and the light!. Try to duplicate your favorites in your own world!. www!.kodak!.com, www!. betterphoto!.com, and www!.nyip!.com are all nice sites with tutorials for beginning photographers!. Go and learn, and as you practice you will see your work improve!. But don't forget, unless you are a working pro, you don't need to make others happy with your photography, just yourself !. Best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com