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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which camera lens is best for portraits?

Question: Which camera lens is best for portraits!?
I'm a newbie at studio portraits and I currently have a canon 75-300mm lens!. Would a Canon EF 28-105 3!.5 - 4!.5 II USM Lens, a 85mm lens, or a 50mm lens be better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For portraits I would choose the 50mm unless you are using a full frame digital like the 5D or a 35mm camera!. For 35mm cameras most portraits use a 85mm to 105mm lens!. Due to the crop factor for most DSLRs a 50mm lens is equivalent to an 80mm lens which is pretty close!.
The 50mm F1!.8 ($100) and the 50mm F1!.4 ($400) are great lenses that are very sharp!.
The 28-105 is also a good lens and will give you more versatility but you will loose out on the sharpness and extra DOF that the 50mm will give you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use the 75-300!. You can get many different looks depending on the size of your subject!. You can also use it indoors and outdoors as well as compressing your perspective with a long zoom for a cool look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com