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Question: Digital Slr blur background settings!?
Hi, I'm using a Kodak ZD710 SLR Digital Camera and have trouble blurring the backgrounds of my subjects!. What should the F stop, shutter speeds, and iso settings be!? also should I be using flash or not!? Any help would be greatly appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi there,
what you are looking for is a LARGE aperture, so you want a small number!. somewhere around f2!.4 or 5!.6 or whatever the lowest setting you can get it to manually!. you will want a higher shutter speed (1/250 or 1/500 or even 1/1000) depending on the light!. ISO won't make too much of a difference unless you are shooting in low or high light conditions which the camera can't compensate for with shutter speed!.

happy shooting

ps!. the zd710 isn't an SLR, SLR means single lens reflex and the zd710 is a point and shoot!. still a good camera though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a normal or wide angle lens, no matter what aperture, you will have trouble getting bokeh (blurring background)!. For this, a telephoto lens will work best such as an 85mm lens or longer!. Different quality lenses will produce a different quality bokeh and you get what you pay for in that department!.

A background will become more blurry with a larger aperture or smaller f number!. The faster the lens the stronger the bokeh will become!. A lens with a maximum aperture of 1!.8 will produce better bokeh than a lens with a 5!.6 fastest aperture, all other things being equal!.

The above lens focal lengths are based on full frame cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's some real help!. You need to take a class if possible, or get a book on beginning photography!. Scott Kelby has some good ones!. Digital Photography for Dummies is a good one for the basics!. The Kodak website has a lot of beginning tutorials www!.kodak!.com!. The relationship between ISO, aperture and shutter speed is reciprocal, and affects many aspects of making your image, not just the DOF!.

In your consumer P&S camera ( which is not a dSLR) you will have problems making the background blurry no matter what settings you use!. Working either in the macro mode (for close ups) or at the long end of the zoom lens will give you the best results!. Put your subject closer to you, the background farther away, use the telephoto end and the widest aperture you have!. That should get you a little bg blur!. Your Kodak is a nice camera, but you won't get the performance that a dSLR will give!. You can still make some beautiful images with it, though!. It may require a little more work and knowledge on your part!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It gets confusing!. You need a Large apature, and the smaller the number, the larger it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try checking the manual!Www@QuestionHome@Com