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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Best way to learn how to draw anime?

Question: Best way to learn how to draw anime!?
Right now i really wanna draw anime but for some reason i cant my dawings always come out looking bulky and not how i would like them to look one reason i think is because im not used to drawing like that im more used to pictures taht require more shadeing and mroe life like pictures and i cant seem to recreate anime pictures i draw what would be the best way for me to learn how to better draw anime should i jsut draw already made pictures till i start to recongnize them and how to do it or should i learn how to draw each part of the bodie such as eyes face mouth etc then learn how to put them together lol pretty much what i mean tho is my anime looks more cartoonish than anime-ishWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Trace them, I'm serious!. Trace manga drawings from your books!.
Keep on doing it, but try to learn why the drawings you are tracing work so well!. Learn how the eyes are drawn, the hands, faces, etc!.
After a little while, try to draw the manga exactly but don't trace it!. Draw it while looking at it!. Now try to figure out why your drawing might be different as you look at them side by side!.
Don't do these for too long, just learn from it!. You will soon understand what is the difference between real manga and your drawings!. How they use their lines, their poses, etc!.
Now soon afterwards, what you should do is start looking at books about the human figure!. Practice that a lot!. Now as you practice them, try to apply the anime style to your figure drawings!. This will take a while but keep on practicing this!.
Do not try to learn each part of the body, learn all of it at once!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you go to a bookstore you can find many books that will help you draw anime, just ask someone at the store!. You can also search good for 'anime eyes' 'how to draw anime features' etc!.

I also went to a craft store [hobby lobby] and bought some anime pens, it comes with the different shades and thicknesses like anime artist use and it's amazing how much difference it makes!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

move to Japan , enroll in Anime Univ!.Www@QuestionHome@Com