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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does grayscale have an effect on the image?

Question: Does grayscale have an effect on the image!?
Im writing a paper about different forms of advertisements and a couple of the images are in grayscale!. One angle i was thinking of taking with my images is that the color evokes different emotions!. Does grayscale do this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Certainly it does!. Some of the greatest photos of all time are black and white!. The human eye automatically sees color before anything else!. Color in a photo can be very distracting to the subject or intent of the photo!. Without color, the eye and mind immediately see the components, subject, mood, composition of the photo!.

Color certainly has it's place though!. I think black and white photos of flowers are ridicuolus, but some people will remove the color from a flower photo thinking it will make it "arty"!.

I think in these terms!. If color is not a vital component of the purpose of the photo, then it will usually be better in black and white!.

Black and white can have various looks too!. You are dealing with an infinite number of levels of grey, black, white, and contrast!. These can all have a dramatic influence on the emotion of a photo!. Even various black and white films have different looks, then of course there is the chemical and / or digital darkroom that can further add to the effect!.

So yes, black and white has just as much power, if not more, to evoke emotions as color!.


yes!. usually if the photo is like describing something emotional, greyscale usually bring these photos out in deeper depth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. Try making one with no B/W, just medium Grey/TV Grey/Zone V!. Then make the same one with only very dark and very lite tones!. Try it in sepia, then cold tone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com