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Position:Home>Visual Arts> $250 MAX digital cam, AWESOME zoom features, rechargeable battery a MUST!!?

Question: $250 MAX digital cam, AWESOME zoom features, rechargeable battery a MUST!!!?
I'm looking for a digital camera that's no more than $250 that has AWESOME zoom features and a rechargeable battery (a camera that you can plug in to the wall at night and recharge for the next morning like you do your cell phone lol)!. I am SO tired of digital cameras that take AA batteries even if they are rechargeable!. It costs WAY too much money!! Anyway!.!. I need one with great zoom because I LOVE photography but don't know where to start!. also, I need great zoom because I go to a LOT of concerts and sometimes I get bad seats that are so far from stage that a basic digital camera won't zoom in enough to get a decent picture!. PLEASE help me out here!!! Thanks!!

P!.S!. I wanted to get the Kodak Z712 but reviews said that it eats batteries like crazy!. It does have EXCELLENT zoom though! It has 7!.0 MP and 12x Optical zoom!! Is there anything like that with a rechargeable battery!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try looking up Canon PowerShot SD1000!. Rechargeable battery, 7!.1 megapixels, and 12 x zoom!. Everything you are looking for in your price range!. :) I have one for casual shots, and it is great!. Very compact as well!.
EDIT: Sorry, I just saw that you wanted optical zoom!. This camera has 3 x optical zoom, but can go as high as 12 x when zooming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This site is good for comparing cameras: http://www!.steves-digicams!.com/hardware_!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com