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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Hello friends i am self learner artist im posting my 3 arts.Is it good or bad?te

Question: Hello friends i am self learner artist im posting my 3 arts!.Is it good or bad!?tell me about,comments invited!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WOW! These are awesome! And what do you do for a living!?If you don't pursue your art talent,you'll waste it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you cant mark good or bad in art!.!.!. you can only comment on what you think could be done differently!.!. so OK the first one!.!.!. if you are going for photo realistic i think its almost spot on! there's something a bit weird the left hand eye is either too big or the nose is slightly too long i cant decide and the lips are too perfectly defined!.!.!. but its still amazing the second one is nice it looks kind of rustic and its well done =) and now my favourite the lion is fantastic you have managed to capture that look that shows that they aren't just man eating killing machines and they can look calm!.!.!. well done overall i think they are amazing!.!.!. how long did they take to do!? well done!!! =D keep arting!Www@QuestionHome@Com

good, if you want honest comments, i'll say that they are a little too plastic!.when the lines around the edges are too defined they tend to take away the realism out of your work!. i can assume that you sketch out the outlines of the figures, the lips for example!. try to use direct shades instead of predefining outlines!. remember when you feel that the brush is an extended part of your own hand, you'll begin to really learn painting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good for a self learner!.
1!. You have to work more on faces
2!. Coping is ok for learning
3!. Try to be originalWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like them!. Especially the first one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your drawings are good and fantastic!.
But i don't know how to mark/rate them!. sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com