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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Check out my photoshop pictures and tell me what you think?

Question: Check out my photoshop pictures and tell me what you think!?
Before: http://i25!.tinypic!.com/2dtubld!.jpg

After: http://i26!.tinypic!.com/28ixjxe!.jpg

Give me your honest opinion, please!. Good or bad, tell me what I can improve on, too!. I've been photoshopping for about 2 months!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well its not bad!. But you can tell it was photoshopped!. The contrast of her "perfect" / "unrealistically smooth skin with the background and her frizzy hair just make the whole picture seem out of place!. also, you want to make sure the eyes are not an unnatural blue ( right now they are looking purpley)!. Otherwise not bad, I would suggest next time find/take a more thought about photograph where shadows aren't cutting through heads ( ha or hats ) I hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are very beautiful even befor the make up!. The make up is nice!. The eyes are beautiful, teeth or lovely and white, skin is gorgeous, but you need a different colour for the lippy the pink doesn't suit you, sorry!. Otherwise very beautiful!. But you did look nice without it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It looks really actually okay
It lokks a bit fake/plastic
And the chin is way too bony
but overall the after is better
theres less dry skin lol
The eyes and nose look fab after i didnt realise youd changed eye colour and put mascara on

to tell you the truth the after looks fake and bad yet good!.!.!.but the before looks a little better than the second one!.


Waaaaaaaaay too fake looking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mean it is good!. But she looks like she's wearing a wig and its abit plastic!.!.!.:/Www@QuestionHome@Com

before looks great and the after looks yuck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com