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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo rights?

Question: Photo rights!?
If I take a photo with my camera, do i automatically own the copyright on that picture!?

or if not, what legal protections are there that prohibit people copying it (eg!. copyright, trademark, etc)!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You own the copyright the second you press the shutter button!. To prevent anyone from copying your image off websites, first watermark with a copy right notice, like this:
? your name 2008 ( you make the copyright symbol by pressing alt 0169)
Do not upload full resolution image
Resize them down to 1500 x 1500 ppi
Save as low resolution jpeg images

They will still display fine on the website, but if anyone downloads them and tries to print them, they will not get good results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only way you actually have the legal copyright to any photo you take is to get it copyrighted through the Library of Congress!. It costs $80, and it doesn't matter if you send in one photo or 500, the price will be the same!. Google the Library of Congress/copyright for more info!. I used to have the website, but forgot/lost it a while back!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

while you do own the copyright sometimes it is better to deter thieves than have the hassle of chasing them down through the courts later on!.

For web display I add a large semi-transparent watermark in the middle of the image at the same time as I resize the image for the web!.


You DO own the copyright!.!.!.but to make it easier to PROVE it in a dispute it's important to REGISTER your work with the copyright office!. See the link below for more information (if not in USA search on google for information in your country)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as the laws are currently , yes you do hold all rights!.!.!. that is the short answer!. expect more answers with more detail from folks who know a little bit about the matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com