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Question: Artistic temperaments!?
I'm very artistic!.!.!. I love music, writing, drawing, and am studying film at a top university!. As a freshman, I'm stuck in a dorm situation with a lot of people who would rather get drunk at fraternities three nights a week and I just have nothing in common with them!.

I would rather watch movies, draw, listen to music, cook, or talk about art or something!. I feel like all year since I haven't been able to "create" anything I have become withdrawn!. Nothing really is keeping my interests anymore because I have no one to share them with!. I'm content with hanging out by myself and am pretty independent, and hopefully when I start my film courses I'll meet more people who are like me!.

Is it normal for artists to withdraw into their "own" worlds!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi, yes, very normal - you have a lot on your mind!. One of the reasons artists are good or great artists is becuase they have something to say, and something they want to share with a greater public!. So use that time when you "withdraw" to think about how you would translate your feelings into an artistic statement - you may come out with something very powerful and meaningful!.

And it would be great for you to find like-minded souls!. Are you taking courses in the areas for which you have a passion - music or visual art!? It is in these courses that you would most be able to find like-minded souls!. You can also think about volunteering for the local museum or cultural center, which would also put you in touch with people with similar interests to yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I guess that's not because you're an artist, but that's just the way you are!.
I'm sure that in that college there are more people with your interests!. I suppose there's a board where students can write stuff !? That's not common here in Portugal, but from what I've seen from american movies :-)
So why not try to organize something !?
Like classes where students can gather and paint !?
Namely outside !?

Kind regards,
