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Question: Art questions!?
Any know the answer to these for sure!?

1!. Ancient Greek sculptors developed a counter-positioning or S-shaped pose, to balance the figure called!.!.!.
a!. contrapposto b!. fresco c!. bas-relief d!. assemblage

2!. In the 20th century artist created works of art that combined many different media, typically called!.!.!.
a!. mixed-media works b!. modeling c!. performance art d!. haunt-relief

3!. When sculpture is created by building up the form with a material such as clay, the process is called!.!.!.
a!. relief sculpture b!. additive process c!. cast sculpture d!. fresco

4!. Greek figurative sculpture was greatly influenced by Egyptian sculpture!. what did the Greeks add!?
a!. naturalism b!. craft c!. spirituality d!. abstractionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. A
2!. A
3!. B
4!. A
:) I'm sure that these are correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com