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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Acrylics vs. oil paint - are acrylics archival? Do they yellow in a closet? what

Question: Acrylics vs!. oil paint - are acrylics archival!? Do they yellow in a closet!? what's best varnish for acrylics!?
Why do well-known painters use acrylics instead of oils!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jose is quite right!. Acrylics are made out of plastic!. They should last a long time but they have not been tested by time yet!.

many people like acrylics for their fast drying quality, however I certainly prefer oils because i enjoy the movement of the paint and having the time to play with it!.

If I am making a painting I use oils, for crafts purposes is better to use acrylics!.

All paintings should be varnished to be protected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oil is very different from acrylic but they are both archival!. Oils are more prone to yellowing if not varnished properly!.

Oils are very fluid, take longer to dry and are much more toxic than acrylics!. They also require a sufficient support, such as canvas, or board!. Acrylic can be painted onto anything! I've painted wood, metal and even glass bottles with acrylic!

If you are looking for good varnishes, use a high quality brand!. Golden is the best, in my opinion, then Liquitex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acrylics are very easy to use and seem to have been standing up well so far!. They do not tend to yellow as far as anybody knows!.
Acrylics have only been around for a few years compared to other media like tempura or oils so it is hard to say what they will be like after a few centuries!.
The best varnish would likely be an acrylic varnish!.
The one drawback to acrylics is that they are more susceptible to water damage than oils!.
The one big advantage is that they dry so quicklyWww@QuestionHome@Com


The former answers are informative!.
A recent varnish that is removable and approved by curators is Soluvar by Liquitex!.
Contrary to what many people think, acrylic paintings should be varnished since their surface is porous!.
Now, who told you that the well-known painters use acrylics instead of oils!. I'm not defending the opposite, but never read or heard that!.
Ah, oils tend to darken if kept long time in the dark!.
By placing them back into a lighted environment (NOT under sunlight), they'll recover their colour!.

Kind regards,
