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Question: Breaking a mirror!?
I am really into photography and have been looking to shoot a roll of film involving a broken mirror!.
I was wondering what the best way to hit a mirror in such a way that it fractures without shattering or otherwise chunking away!.
Thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
mirrors are not toughened (fired in a furnace to become safety glass), the best way the break for your purposes would be to tap an edge of the mirror at the center of the lenght!.

EDIT: as DR Sam said - however most mirrors are vinyl backed anyway


Coating the back of the mirror, first in rubber cement and then with something like Saran Wrap to keep it from being all sticky will work!. The rubber cement will keep the pieces in place, and the wrap on the back will be a barrier between the cement and whatever you're setting the mirror on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try covering the back of the thing entirely in duct tape!. It won't show in your pictures, but it might hold the pieces together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com