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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kind of photographer do you think I should be? (if any)?

Question: What kind of photographer do you think I should be!? (if any)!?
What type of photography should I focus on!? (portrait, fashion, animals/pets, children, architecture, etc)!.

My flickr sets are here:

The collections are here (groups of sets organized):

Or should I just give up photography entirely!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why would you want to give up!? Even if you don't do "professionally" which basically means it is your main source of income, you could do art showings !. You have a great amount of work and themes!. I suggest doing one theme per showing, 20-30 images!. You could find a coffee shop that might let you hang your work on the walls!. All this could lead to some extra income!. Even still from what I've seen of your work (there was quite a lot , thats why art shows shouldn't have too much or viewers will get overwhelmed) you obviously love to photograph!.
I don't think you would be able to give it up and be happy about!. You have too many ideas and creativity!.
I like your storytelling!. You work well with people which isn't always easy!.
My only critique is watch out in the retouching of skin!. You want it to be smooth but retain the texture!.
Some of the faces are to softened and muddy ("Delish" Fixmypic Edit (5), me 3, Liz 1, for example)
I do like some of the other effects you use just know when to say when,but please don't give up!. It's rare to see someone on this site who actually has talent, it would be ashame if someone with your potential gave up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I gave up on photography as a profession, and I have found it much more enjoyable since!. The reality of it is no matter what kind of photographer you want to be, you will probably end up shooting weddings to make ends meet!. I know a lot of extremely talented people who completely lost their passion for photography after they decided to make a career out of it!.
Don't give up photography all together, you've definitely got some talent, but understand that it is very hard to make a decent living as a photographer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a full time professional photographer, I concentrate on people, pets and weddings!.
You will need to do people if you want to make any money!.

Since the introduction of affordable digital cameras, it has become increasingly difficultot make any decent money frp te sale of stoc photography, although I do still sell a few stock images each month!.


The question shouldn't be "What kind of photographer do you think I should be!?"!. You should ask yourself what kind of photographer you should be!. Find the type of photography that makes you happy, you enjoy doing, and you will develop your talent in that area!. Don't ask what others think you should be!. Decide that for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WHat!?! Give up photography entirely!? no way!!! You have some awesome shots, especially the images in your top 10 folder!. Love the pet portraits and you have very unique and interesting shots of people!. I wouldn't restrict yourself to just one category, but keep photographing everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jeslyn, there are simply too many photos to look through!.

I took a few minutes and looked at a few of these--and I thought they were lovely!. But really, don't you know by now what you should focus on without having to ask others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! Are those really your photographs!? You definately have talent! I think you should get into portraiture, fashion/glamour, or fine art!. Great job!. Keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

An Arts Photographer couldn't find a job,I perfer to be Photojournalist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com