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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you mean by camera perspective?

Question: What do you mean by camera perspective!?
also, what do you mean by change of perspective and how do we get perspective!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
perspective is not view point

perspective is how the lenses renders the light to the recording medium - film or sensor mostly

human "perspective" is similar to 50mm on a 35mm full frame camera!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.if on the same camera one uses a 200mm lens then compression occurs - it can be used to make things or people look thinner!. If on uses a wide angle like say 24mm on the same lens then the perspective is different again!. - if you very the distance from the subject to the lens the perpective changes again!.!.!.!.!.!.have a look at the myspace portraits - funny perpectives and poor view points (the view point is the angle/height the camera records the image from not the distance to subject or the focal lenght of the lens)

so dont confuse view point with perspective, i know what perspective is but havent heard the term " camera perspective"!?

hope you get that


Perspective is another word for 'point of view'!. Camera perspective is basically where the camera was when the picture was taken - was it up high, on the ground, tilted on an angle, up close or at a distance!?

To change the perspective, take pictures of the same thing from a different place!. For example, lay the camera on the floor and take a picture of your feet, then pick it up, hold it near your face and take another picture of them!. The picture looks different, even though the subject of the photo is the same, because it's taken from a different perspective!.

All photos have perspective, you can't really 'get' it, only change it!.

**edit - I can see my answer wasn't correct, please ignore!.**Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are two examples!. One close up and the other distant!.

See these examples and read the text under the images and you will understand!.
